Atlas Materials and 6K Energy sign …
OCTOBER 14, 2024PRESS RELEASEAtlas Materials and 6K Energy sign MOU to establish a Strategic Partnership Agreement to support the development of a fully integrated, sustainable North American EV battery supply chainLondon - Atlas Materials ("Atlas" or "the Company")...
Atlas Materials Signs Commercial Ag…
DECEMBER 19, 2023PRESS RELEASEAtlas Materials Signs Commercial Agreement with SMGM to Supply Nickel OreLondon - Atlas Materials ("Atlas" or "the Company") announces the signing of a commercial agreement with Société Minière Georges Montagnat (“SMGM”) for the supply of...
Atlas Materials Announces Developme…
SEPTEMBER 28Atlas Materials Announces Development of a Breakthrough Battery Nickel Production Process and Completes US$27m Series A FundraiseAtlas Process will produce battery nickel with almost zero CO2, and no waste or other emissionsHighlights Atlas Process will...
COM 2022: 61st Annual Conference of…
AUGUST 21COM 2022: 61st Annual Conference of MetallurgistsToward carbon negative cement and battery materialsAbstract. Decarbonization is the challenge of the century. Carbon-negative materials production and supply chains can be part of the solution. Negative...
Gordon Research Conference – …
JULY 31Gordon Research Conference - July 2022Negative Emission Materials for Cement, Battery Materials and DecarbonizationThe aim of the conference is to encourage communication and discussion of ideas and new unpublished results at the very frontier of a particular...